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CAHS Library: Research

Clinical Trial Registers





Searching Literature

Literature search tips

Web of Science


Web of Science Core Collection provides quick, powerful access to the world's leading citation databases. Authoritative, multidisciplinary content covers over 20,000 of the highest impact journals worldwide, including Open Access journals. Conference proceedings and book data are also available. You'll find current and retrospective coverage in the sciences, social sciences, arts, and humanities.

Bibliometric analyses can also be performed on articles, authors and institutions. 
Web of Science is also useful for searching grey literature.

Please note:  You will need to login from your institution/organisation network every six months to activate your login credentials and institutional affiliation.
Will work on browsers  :  Firefox, Google Chrome.

Quick Reference Guide (PDF)


Visit Web of Science Training Resources page for more videos related to:

  • Strategies for getting results
  • Organising and keeping results
  • Analysing results
  • Author records
  • Staying up to date

Researcher Profile

Adopting a unique researcher / author identifier is useful for showcasing your work. It can help you manage your publications list, identify potential collaborators, avoid being misidentified and track what is happening with your research for funding or grant applications.

In addition to some established research services, these free tools enable you to create a researcher profile:

  • ORCID (Open Researcher & Contributor ID)

Publish in BMJ Case Reports

BMJ Case Reports delivers focused, peer-reviewed case reports in all disciplines to aid healthcare professionals to find clinically important information on common and rare conditions.

Child and Adolescent Health Service has an Institutional Fellowship.
Publishing in BMJ Case Reports is a good introduction to publishing - especially for junior doctors.  It is a good way to share clinical experiences and gain international recognition.  To submit a case report you will need the institutional Fellowship Code.  (Please contact CAHS Medical Library for code)The BMJ Case Reports User Guide outlines the submission process and include the Fellowship Code for CAHS.  Co-authors who are not CAHS staff will require to use their own institution's Fellowship Code, or get an individual subscription. Find your case and start writing.

Guide to writing and publishing an interesting case

  • Access BMJ Case Reports then look at the author instructions.
  • Find the CAHS Fellowship code in the user guide with instructions to submit your paper.

Note: Only CAHS staff will be able to access this guide.  Offsite access - Use your network login.

Paediatric Research

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CAHS Staff Publications and Impact Analysis

Staff Publications are now available via Web of Science.  Please note there may be slight delays with accessing newly published research/articles.

Author Records in Web of Science Core Collection

Lens Scholarly Dynamic Collection: 

Click on the above icons for each of the dynamic collection pages for more information.


Measure research impact and quality: Introduction
