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Systematic Reviews: Reference & Search Management

Managing References with Endnote

EndNote is a reference management software program that allows you to create a 'library' of references, download references from databases, store downloaded PDFs with their relevant reference and generate bibliographies in specific styles.

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EndNote for home use

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Other Resources

Mendeley Reference Management 

Not supported by WA Health.  Please install on your own personal device and create a personal account.

Documenting the Search Process

The search strategy for a systematic review needs to be documented from the start to the end, so that it can be reported in the review, to an extent that it may be reproduced.

Data to be recorded:

  • all databases searched, including publisher platform (eg. OVID Medline/Embase/PsychInfo, EBSCO/CINAHL)
  • the dates of the last search for each database recorded AND the period searched
  • any filters/limits used.  eg.  Language, date
  • grey literature sources
  • any other sources searched, eg the internet, hand searching of journals and conference proceedings, reference lists.
  • the full search strategy
  • the total number of hits retrieved for each search strategy
  • Duplicates identified
  • Numbers pre-screening and post-screening.

Note: In addition, all searches conducted via hand searching must identify the source (name of journal, conference proceedings etc.) and the year.

TIP:  Create an account in each database to save your search. It can then be edited and rerun for updates and easily copied and pasted into the review.